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Integrated Buddhist Studies ProgramMain Course B

All sessions are conducted in “hybrid” mode – in-person zendo practice and online.

Classes are held on Sunday evenings and Thursday evenings.

Main Course B is a community based practice with a focus on Buddhist study in everyday life. A full-year enrolment is 12 units.


Main Course B brings together students from diverse walks of life, cultural and educational backgrounds. Each semester comprises 20 sessions of 2 to 4 hours of weekly meditation (Sanzen-kai) within Mahayana Buddhism and the Soto Zen approach to Buddhist discipline. Its scope of study is larger than that of Main Course A with teaching being more explicit, detailed and performance oriented. As Professor Kogen Mizuno says in his book, Basic Buddhist Concepts (page 45):

Since all things change from instant to instant, life is an accumulation of momentary actions and happenings. Each of these moments must be fulfilled, not with carpe diem hedonism but with a provident realization of the individual’s full potential.

Participants are encouraged also to attend A-classes and Zen retreats selectively during their enrolment and to take up an independent study, a short to medium term project of 3 to 6 months. In order to complete their Main Course B work, students can submit a paper on a subject of their ryo training and ryo roles within Sanzen-kai and Retreat curriculum or a topic of their choice.


A semester credit (20 sessions) is 6 units, 60 hours. A student may enrol by semester or year.


Main Course B curriculum covers four broad subjects:

  • Sanzen-kai practices
  • Mahayana Perspectives
  • In-Ryo roles
  • Individual Attendance Plan & Log

Curricula Schedule

Sunday Sanzen-kai [B1]
5:20 pm  Zendo ready [Orientation 20 mins]
5:25 pm  Robe chant
5:30 pm  Kinhin walking
5:40 pm  Zazen sitting
6:20 pm  Kinhin walking
6:30 pm  Tea Ceremony
6:40 pm  Chanting service
6:50 pm  Dharma talk
7:40 pm  Sangha Supper
8:10 pm  Clean-up Samu
9:00 pm  Door close

Thursday Sanzen-kai [B2]
6:20 pm  Zendo ready
6:30 pm  Zazen
6:50 pm  Kinhin
7:00 pm  Zazen
7:40 pm  Kinhin
7:50 pm  Tea Ceremony
8:00 pm  Lineage Service
8:20 pm  Reading
8:40 pm  Instruction
9:00 pm   End

Sunday Sanzen-kai [B1] – St Pius X Catholic Church, 419 Waterdale Road, Heidelberg West
Thursday Sanzen-kai [B2] – Quang Ming Buddhist Temple, Braybrook
Contact Shona Innes for Course B enquiry, ph 0421 
285 338, email