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Welcome to the March 2023 edition of Myoju magazine, which explores the main 2023 theme of Contribution, with a specific sub-theme of ‘Giving and Receiving’.

In this issue, we continue to explore the topic of the Three Treasures: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, with Part Two of the Dharma talk by Ekai Osho, delivered at the 10th anniversary of the Canberra Soto Zen Group.

Our feature article is focused on Contribution in Buddhism and, we are pleased to present the Gathas that were collected during Retreat 71, along with artwork by Ethan Pollard-Di Marco.

Our Sangha News section highlights the ongoing contributions of Jikishoan’s members, who are actively engaged in giving and receiving to support the Sangha and the wider community.

I am privileged to serve as the Myoju Coordinator, and the Myoju team worked together diligently on this issue. I am further committed to work on the upcoming issues.

I acknowledge all our contributors for their valuable contributions, which make it possible to sustain Myoju publication.

Tony Goshin Crivelli — Coordinator
On behalf of Ekai Korematsu Osho — Editor

Tokozan Jikishoan