Welcome to the June 2023 edition of Myoju magazine, which explores the theme of Contribution, with a specific sub-theme of ‘Material and Non-material’.
In this issue, we emphasise the importance of community practice, given our return to a residential retreat (R72) in March/April. Dharma talks on Bendoho and Foundation Day, one of Jikishoan’s annual commemoration events, are reflected in the cover page photo and given a centre page highlight.
The Dharma talks by Ekai Osho bring us back to the fundamentals of community practice and contribution through membership. The Gathas collected during the residential retreat are included.
Our Sangha News section highlights the ongoing involvement of Jikishoan’s members, who are actively engaged in both material and non-material forms of contribution.
As I continue to serve as the Myoju Coordinator, I acknowledge the efforts and involvement of the contributors and the production team for this issue.
Tony Goshin Crivelli — Coordinator
On behalf of Ekai Korematsu Osho — Editor